This is the stopwatch timer, it is open ended and counts up from 0. Every 30 minutes it will beep once.
This is the options icon, click it to view more options.
There are 2 countdown timers 15 minutes & 25 minutes, in keeping with pomodoro best practices.
The "Edit Task" option allows you to manually edit the task description & the amount of time spent on that task.
Delete tasks that you no longer need listed by clicking "Delete Task".
When the timer is active, clicking the bell will mute the alarm. Muting the alarm activates the silent colour alarm.
If you need a break mid-task, you can pause & then play the timer again from where you left off.
You can reset your time.
Enjoy being more productive!
Do you want to save ${thistime} to ${thistask}?
Congrats! You've worked for the full ${countdowntime} minutes! Do you want to save those ${countdownminutes} minutes to the task: ${}?
Are you sure you want to exit the timer without saving?
Are you sure you want to delete ${thistask}?
Please enter a valid task.